Arturo Aquino

Aquino Martin, Arturo

Computer Engineer from the University of Seville, Master in Computer and Network Engineering from the University of Granada and PhD in Engineering from the University of Huelva (UHU) ( Outstanding Cum Laude). Since 2007 he has worked in various positions at the University of Granada, the UHU, the Mathematical Morphology Research Centre of Mines ParisTech (France) and the University of La Rioja.

He has published more than 25 papers including articles, book chapters and conference contributions, and holds 2 patents approved with prior examination. He has supervised a doctoral thesis and participated in 8 European, national and regional research projects and with companies and public bodies. He has been accredited as an Assistant Professor by ANECA since 2016.

Publications and academic references:
Javi Barragán

Barragán Pina, Antonio J.

Industrial Technical Engineer specialising in automation and industrial electronics from the University of Huelva, Industrial Automation and Electronics Engineer from the University of Malaga, and PhD with honours from the University of Huelva. He received the award for the best doctoral thesis in Intelligent Control from the Spanish Committee of Automatics (CEA), and has received the awards for Quality in Virtual Teaching and Teaching Innovation of Excellence from the University of Huelva, where he has been teaching since October 2000.

His main line of work focuses on the control of non-linear and unknown systems by means of intelligent control techniques, mainly fuzzy logic, although he also works on modelling and control of renewable energy systems. He has published papers in top journals in his field, such as IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Applied Soft Computing and Applied Energy.

Publications and academic references:
Juan Manuel Enrique

Enrique Gómez, Juan M.

He holds a degree in Physics, specialising in Electronics, from the University of Seville (1997) and a Master’s degree in Control, Electronic Systems and Industrial Computing. In 2011 he obtained his PhD degree from the University of Huelva.

He is Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering, Computer Systems and Automation of the University of Huelva, where he has been working since 2000. He also teaches at the UNED.

The line of research in which he carries out his research activity is mainly focused on the development of control and optimisation systems for renewable energy installations, mainly photovoltaic.

Publications and academic references:
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Sergio Gómez

Gómez-Melgar, Sergio

Architect by ETSA of the University of Seville (2000), Master in Numerical Analysis applied to Structural Calculation by the ETSI of the UNED (2009) and PhD in Energy Efficiency in Buildings by the ETSI of the University of Huelva (2017). Visiting Professor at SAUP, Nanjing University, China (2017).

He is Associate Professor at the University of Huelva (2004), in the area of Mechanics of Continuous Media and Theory of Structures.

He develops his research within the Control and Robotics Group (TEP192), in the line of sustainable architecture and energy efficiency in buildings. He is particularly interested in instrumentation and data analysis, very low enthalpy geothermal energy, integration of renewable energies and passive strategies for the reduction of energy consumption in buildings.

He runs the project office LAR Arquitectura, where he has designed and built minimum energy consumption buildings (MEB) of multiple typologies (educational, industrial, residential, public, welfare, etc.).

Publications and academic references:
Marco Antonio

Márquez Sánchez, Marco A.

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PhD in Industrial Engineering and expert in the areas of Electronics and Communications.

He founded, together with another researcher, the Remote Experimentation Laboratory of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Huelva, from where remote internships are offered to students of different related degree programs.

As a result of his thesis, he designed, implemented and set up a complete communications system that allows access from the Internet to equipment connected to private networks. This system is in operation in several Spanish universities (UHU, UNED, UCM, UCA).

He has worked actively in management holding positions such as: Coordinator of the DIN of the CEP of Huelva (1989-1991); Member of the EDSE (Educational Software Development Group of the I. A. F. P. P.) (1992-1994); Regional Instructor of CNAP of Cisco Systems in the CIT of the Fundación Universidad Empresa of the University of Cadiz; Instructor and Main Contact of the DIESIANetworking of the UHU; Tutor of Second Cycle of the C.A.P. (1987-1988).

Publications and academic references:
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Miguel A. Martínez Bohórquez

Martínez Bohórquez, Miguel A.

Industrial Technical Engineer from the University of Seville, Electronics Engineer from the University of Granada and PhD in Engineering from the University of Huelva, (UHU) (Outstanding cum laude). He has worked for the last 25 years as a full-time lecturer at the University of Seville (1992-1993) and at the University of Huelva (1993-present). He has been a tenured professor since 2009. He has taught mainly in the Industrial Engineering Degree, as well as in PhD and official postgraduate programmes. He has participated in 5 Teaching Quality and Innovation Projects.

He has published more than 40 papers including articles, book chapters, contributions to conferences, patents and reports. He has participated in 23 European, national and regional research projects and with companies and government agencies. He holds 4 patents, most of them PCT (extended to 138 countries). He participated in the creation of the technology-based company, spin-off of the UHU, Onurobotics S. L., He has been Deputy Director of University Extension of the School of Engineering for 8 years. Since 2012 and until now, he is the Director of the Cruzcampo Foundation Chair of the UHU. Member of the Board of the Centre for 8 years and president of the commission for the development of the Study Plans of the Degree in Mining Engineering and Degree in Mechanical Engineering of the School of Engineering (ETSI) of the UHU.

Publications and academic references:
Tomás Mateo

Mateo Sanguino, Tomas J.

Industrial Technical Engineer, Electronic Engineer, Master in University Teaching and PhD in Systems Engineering and Automation from the University of Huelva since 2010. Since 1998 he worked at the National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) and between 2003/04 at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Since 2004 he has been working in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Computer Systems and Automation (DIESIA) at the University of Huelva.

He has published around 85 research articles in scientific journals, books and national and international conferences. He holds 4 patents, most of them extended to PCT. He has participated in 12 national and international research projects, 18 Teaching Innovation Projects and directed 29 end-of-studies projects. He has been responsible for several scientific projects, teaching innovation and knowledge dissemination activities in the Science and Technology Week (SCyT). Since 2013 he has been an external evaluator of educational innovation projects of Andalusian Public Universities.

He has spent time at the National University of Distance Education (UNED) and the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). He is an instructor for the CISCO Certified Networking Association (CCNA) programme since 2007, a member of the European scientific network COST on “Impact and Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport Scenarios”, as well as a guest editor for several scientific journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) focused on devices, sensors, intelligent applications and transport systems in Smart Cities. He belongs to the PhD programme in Industrial and Environmental Science and Technology (CYTIA) at the University of Huelva. His current research interests include smart cities, data networks, engineering education and robotics.

Publications and academic references:
Andrés Mejías

Mejías Borrero, Andrés M.

PhD in Industrial Engineering and expert in the areas of Digital Design and Engineering Education. He has been teaching at the University of Huelva for 28 years, specifically at the Higher Technical School of Engineering, in subjects included in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Computer Systems and Automation.

He has been Assistant Director of Students and Teaching Quality at the Higher Polytechnic School (1994-1995), and Assistant Director of the Scientific Computer Centre of the University of Huelva (1995- 1998). He has set up, together with another researcher, the Remote Experimentation Laboratory of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the UHU, from where remote practices are offered to students of different degrees of the same.

His PhD Thesis deals with Engineering Education, specifically the use of Augmented Reality techniques in the use of remote laboratories. This Thesis has received the IEEE Education Society National Award for the best Engineering Education Doctoral Thesis.

Publications and academic references:
Borja Milla

Millán Prior, Borja

Industrial Engineer specialising in Industrial Electronics and PhD in Sustainable Agricultural Ecosystems from the University of La Rioja as of 2017. His end-of-degree project was awarded first prize for final projects by the College of Industrial Engineers of Aragón and La Rioja and first prize in the Business Ideas Competition of the Chair of Entrepreneurship at the University of La Rioja. Borja Millán currently teaches and researches in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Computer Systems and Automation at the University of Huelva.

Borja Millán’s scientific curriculum includes more than 15 publications indexed in JCR, 5 national patents and participation in 5 European, 4 national and 4 regional projects. He has spent time at the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA) and the Centre de Morfologia Matemática (CMM) of the University of ParisTech.

Publications and academic references:
Manuel J. Redondo

Redondo González, Manuel

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Industrial Technical Engineer, Technical Engineer in Computer Management, Industrial Organisation Engineer and Doctor in Industrial Organisation Engineering from the University of Huelva.

He has worked as a teacher since 1986, at the University of Seville until 1993, and subsequently at the University of Huelva, in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Computer Systems and Automation, until today where he is tenured university professor since 2013. At the same time, he has been a Tutor at UNED since 1994.

Ha publicado en libros, revistas, congresos nacionales e internacionales. Es Evaluador Externo de Proyectos de Innovación Educativa de las Universidades Andaluzas desde el año 2011. Ha participado en numerosos Proyectos de Innovación Docente, siendo en parte de ellos coordinador. Sus intereses de investigación actuales incluyen la educación en la ingeniería, domótica, ciudades inteligentes, Tecnologías de Hidrógeno y sistemas de memoria en sistemas computadores.

Publications and academic references:
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Juan Ríos Gutiérres

Rios Gutiérrez, Juan A.

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Engineer in Automation and Industrial Electronics from the University of Seville.

He is a Collaborating Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Computer Systems and Automatics at the University of Huelva, where he has held this position since 2006.

The lines of research in which he develops his research activity focus on systems modelling and control, image processing and renewable energy systems.

Publications and academic references:
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Paqui Segura

Segura Manzano, Francisca

Degree in Physics (specialising in Electronics) and Electronic Engineering in 2000 and 2004, respectively, from the University of Seville. In 2009 she obtained the title of Doctor with Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Huelva.

She is Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Computer Systems and Automation, where she has been working since 2003.

The lines of research in which she develops her research activity focus on Hydrogen Technology (production, storage and applications of hydrogen as an energy vector) and electricity grids based on renewable energy sources with hydrogen technology as a backup element.

Publications and academic references:
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Vivas Fernández, Francisco J.

PhD in Industrial Engineering from the University of Huelva. Extraordinary End of Degree Award, 10 C Student Award and Extraordinary Doctorate Award.

He has professional and research experience related to electronic and electrical engineering. He has worked in private companies and public entities dependent on the Ministry of Defence (INTA) such as the Astrobiology Centre (Madrid) associated with the NASA Astrobiology Institute and the Energy Department at the El Arenosillo Experimentation Centre (Huelva).

His research career is mainly focused on the design, control and management of electricity generation systems based on renewable energies, power electronics and energy storage systems based on batteries and hydrogen. Within this line of research, he has more than 30 publications in high-impact journals, technological developments and utility models.

Publications and academic references:

Ponce Real, Juan Manuel

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He holds a degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Seville. He holds a PhD in Industrial and Environmental Science and Technology from the University of Huelva.

His research activity focuses on artificial vision and its industrial applications, as well as in the field of precision agriculture.

Publications and academic references:
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