Encourage the creation of scientific and technological vocations among students of high school, and vocational training using the methodology of “Project Based Learning” with the aim of team working in a competition.

Solar vehicle race to promote scientific and technical vocations through project-based learning – SUR18. Ref. FCT-17-12386
- Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology).
Configuration and management of an intelligent renewable micro-network hybridized with hydrogen technologies (DPI2017-85540-R)
Implement on an intelligent micro-network (µnet), an energy management system that takes into account technical, economic and durability criteria to optimise the operation of each of the systems involved, while ensuring energy demand and power balance throughout the network. The system is designed and implemented with distributed electricity generation from renewable energy sources with hydrogen (H2) as a backup element.
- Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad(Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness).
Extension of the Laboratory of Autonomous Hybrid Systems for Renewable Energy (UNHU15-CE-3264)
Expansion of the capabilities of the Research Group’s laboratory through the acquisition and integration of an ultra-condenser bank of 5,000 farads, a wind generator of 20 kW and an electrolyser of PEM technology of 2 Nm3/h.
- Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad(Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness).
Intelligent Control Thematic Network (DPI2015-71320-REDT)
Platform for collaboration among universities, research centres and institutions that have been operating since 2003, and includes more than 100 researchers. They are united by the common objective of implementing and disseminating intelligent techniques in automation and control for which a large number of activities are carried out: an annual symposium; technical meetings; scientific competitions; and the publication of monographs, specialised issues in prestigious journals, special sessions in prestigious congresses, among others. The network is one of the thematic groups of the Spanish Automatics Committee.
- Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad(Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness).
Design, development and construction of a modular fuel cell: instrumentation and control, online monitoring, study of deterioration effects. (DPI2013-43870-R)
Establishment of a new methodology for the design, development and construction of air-cooled, low-pressure hydrogen supply PEM (proton exchange membrane) fuel cells. The prototype of the developed technology was a 13.6 kW modular PEM cell, built with 4 modules of 3.4 kW each as well as a simulator for each module and the unit.
- Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad(Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness)
Equipment for the Energy Research Centre of the University of Huelva (INP-2011-0070-PCT-120000-ACT4).
Acquisition and assembly of a heavy ion superconducting linear accelerator called LRF (Linac Research Facility), which will allow research to be carried out in the field of energy and other related areas.
- Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation + European Regional Development Funds
Autonomous Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems Laboratory (UNHU10-1E-506)
Configuration of the research group’s laboratory by means of an alkaline electrolyser 2.2 Nm3/h of hydrogen production, a battery bank of 15 kW, a wind mill of 5.5 kW of vertical axis and another of 1.7 kW of horizontal axis, a photovoltaic generator of 10 kWp, a pressure hydrogen storage system of 20 Nm3 and another in the form of metallic hydrides of 9 Nm3.
- Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation
Intelligent Control Thematic Network (DPI2010-12043-E)
Platform for collaborating among universities, research centres and institutions that have been operating since 2003 and includes more than 100 researchers. They are united by the common objective of implementing and disseminating intelligent techniques in automation and control for which a large number of activities are carried out: an annual symposium; technical meetings; scientific competitions; and the publication of monographs, specialised issues in prestigious journals, special sessions in prestigious congresses, among others. The network is one of the thematic groups of the Spanish Automatics Committee.
- Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation
Ecological auxiliary power unit. Application to large refrigerated transport trucks (DPI2010-17123).
Feasibility demonstration of an auxiliary power unit (APU) capable of generating “clean” electrical energy by hybridising renewable energy sources and using hydrogen as an energy source to be applied to large refrigerated transport trucks. The developed APU was designed so that when the truck stops (rest area, traffic jam, loading and unloading of goods, etc.) the electrical supply to the refrigeration system of the box (trailer) and to the hotel loads (air conditioning of the cabin, lighting, computer and communication equipment and entertainment equipment: TV, radio, among others) is guaranteed and all without noise or pollution.
- Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation
Italy-Spain 2009 Complementary Action (ACI2009-1035). New techniques for detecting and identifying charged products in nuclear collisions
Organisation of Italian-Spanish scientific-technical activities on the subject of complementary action.
- Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation
Italy-Spain 2008 Complementary Action (FPA2008-04023). New Techniques for detecting and identifying charged products in nuclear collisions
Organisation of Italian-Spanish scientific-technical activities on the subject of complementary action.
- Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation
France-Spain 2008 Complementary Action (FPA2008-04081-E). Design studies of Gaspard array for spiral2.
Organisation of French-Spanish scientific-technical activities on the topic of the complementary action: Gaspard (gamma spectroscopy and particle detection) array for the spiral2 installation at Ganil (France).
Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation
Self-contained, continuous and non-polluting hybrid power generator system (DPI2007-62336)
Design, development and construction of an autonomous, continuous and non-polluting hybrid electrical energy generator system using hydrogen as an energy source. The system consists of: a solar photovoltaic power generation plant; an electrolyser that produces hydrogen from water without pollutant emissions; a fuel cell that produces without pollutant emissions; electricity from hydrogen; a hydrogen storage system in the form of metal hydrides; and a battery bank.
France-Spain 2007 Complementary Action (IN2P3-08-13). Design studies of GASPARD array for SPIRAL2.
Organisation of French-Spanish scientific-technical activities on the topic of the complementary action: Gaspard (gamma spectroscopy and particle detection) array for the spiral2 installation at Ganil (France).
Italy-Spain 2007 Coordinated Action (INFN07-32)
Organisation of Italian-Spanish scientific-technical activities to prepare research projects.
XXVIII Automatic Conference (DPI2006-28346-E)
Complementary action of projects from the National R&D Plan I to help the organisation of the Automatic Conference held in the University of Huelva. The conference took place from 5 to 7 September 2007, and the number of participants exceeded 300.
Platform for collaborating among universities, research centres and institutions that have been operating since 2003 and includes more than 100 researchers. They are united by the common objective of implementing and disseminating intelligent techniques in automation and control for which a large number of activities are carried out: an annual symposium; technical meetings; scientific competitions; and the publication of monographs, specialised issues in prestigious journals, special sessions in prestigious congresses, among others. The network is one of the thematic groups of the Spanish Automatics Committee.
Design of a Blurred Logic Controlled Propulsion System for a Zero Emission Vehicle (DPI2005-01065)
Demonstration of the feasibility of a vehicle propulsion system meeting the following two requirements: (1) non-polluting; and (2) comparable performance to today’s vehicles equipped with an internal combustion engine. The final effector of the vehicle is an electric motor, and the developed system is equipped with four simultaneous power sources: photovoltaic, fuel cell, battery, and ultra-capacitors bank.
Expansion of the Ionospheric Wide-spectrum Communications Link project INTA – La Salle (TIC 99-1284-E)
Temporary extension of the previous project in order to be able to carry out all the activities projected in the initial report.
Transmitter assembly (TIC 97-0787-C02-02); “integrated in the Project” Ionospheric Wide Spectrum Communications Link
Development of a communications system in HF employing techniques of widened spectrum that allows to emit below the noise level and, therefore, makes communications difficult to detect. This subproject consisted of setting up a complete communications system that linked the current Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Huelva, in the La Rábida Campus, with the INTA Experimentation Centre in El Arenosillo (Mazagón, Huelva).