Application number: PCT/ES2016/070167

Automatic device for biological exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and exposure method
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System for the electrical power supply of devices connected to a private communications network
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Procedure for the automatic estimation of the components of the production of a vine cluster by artificial vision
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System and method for obtaining high-contrast images of the vascular tree of the fundus of the eye
Application number: PCT/ES2010/000283
Movable, autonomous, scalable, self-deployable, monitorable, remotely reprogrammable system for generating electrical energy
Application number: PCT/ES2017/070241
Photovoltaic generator modelling method and maximum power point tracker of a photovoltaic generator
Application number: PCT/ES2016/070166
Application number: PCT/ES2011/000173
Simulation system for electric and inert-gas arc welding
Application number: PCT/ES2010/070787
Application number: PCT/ES2010/000220
Robotic system for characterisation of the angular response in radiometric instruments
Application number: PCT/ES2009/000042
Device to capture the surface temperature of an object
Publication number: ES2340013 B1
Automatic device for biological exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and exposure method
Application number: PCT/ES2004/000305