R&D Companies and Administrations The research group carries out a remarkable activity in by participating and/or managing international, national and regional competitive projects.

Master plan for energy efficiency, generation of renewable energies and optimisation of the thermal environment of the project and execution of the work (Ref. 29/2018 Id. 1504)

The project is carried out in 4 houses of Estepona (Málaga) and covers: the passive design (architectural) and engineering of installations and systems; the construction phase with on-site tests (thermography, water tightness and thermal transmittance); and the energy report of the rehabilitated towns. The ultimate goal was that of generating more energy than that which the buildings consume.

  • Otium Home S.L.

UNI-20160034 Hidrogenet: Renewable intelligent micro-grid hybridised with hydrogen technologies

Design, development and construction of an intelligent micro-grid consisting of a photovoltaic, wind and hydrogen generator as well as a fuel cell and battery bank. The installation site was the “Persian Dharma” University in Jakarta (Indonesia).

  • Kemtecnia S.L.

Development of adaptive algorithms and a control system that allows the flight of an RPAS supported by artificial vision.

Development of a system that, connected to the flight control system of a remotely-piloted aerial system (RPAS), controls its flight through artificial vision according to the images received from the monitoring scenario.

  • Novadrone S.L.
Aurora (Ref. 16/2016, Id. 1376)

Design, development and construction of an autonomous, scalable, auto-deployable, monitoring and remotely-reprogrammable mobile system for generating electricity from renewable sources. This contract included the development of an electrical energy production subsystem (photovoltaic generator + wind generator + fuel cell), part of the electrical energy storage subsystem (batteries) and the instrumentation and control subsystem.

Aurora (Ref. 14/2016, Id. 1374)

Design, development and construction of an autonomous, scalable, auto-deployable, monitoring and remotely-reprogrammable mobile system for generating electricity from renewable sources. This contract included the development of a robotic arm that allows for the system to be deployed and folded in the field.

  • Sacyr Construcción S.A.
Aurora (Ref. 15/2016, Id. 1375)

Design, development and construction of an autonomous, scalable, auto-deployable, monitoring and remotely-reprogrammable mobile system for generating electricity from renewable sources. This contract included the development of a hydrogen production subsystem and part of the electric energy storage subsystem (hydrogen).

  • Ariema Enerxia S.L.
8 kW CC/CC converter with SCADA (Ref. 43-2015)

Converter-elevator system for the integration of a photovoltaic field made up of four subfields in a micro-network with a direct connection to a battery bus installed in the renewable energy laboratory of INTA in “El Arenosillo.”

The system consists of three independent parallelised converters, which implement a maximum power point tracking algorithm based on a variant of the disturbance and observation algorithm (P&O).

  • Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerospacial (National Institute for Aerospace Technology, INTA)

Redesign for the optimisation and improvement of features including on-line monitoring via the Internet, of the instrumentation and control system of the project file C1_10_32 financed by Invest in Spain

Design and implementation of a hardware/software instrumentation system that allows for acquiring, monitoring and processing all the variables and physical signals of interest in the functioning of the electrolyser. Design and implementation of a system that will enable on-line monitoring of the electrolyser through the Internet.

  • Accadue S.L.

TOTEM: A new era of state of the art in the production of solar grade silicon. Target: 10,000 MT of Andalusian polysilicon

Design and implementation of manufacturing processes for the production of ultra-purified silicon for photovoltaic applications. From the metallurgical silicon (silicon metal), as raw material, was developed methods for the synthesis and distillation of chlorosilanes, resulting in a product known as ultra-pure silicon, electronic quality silicon or solar quality, or more commonly, “polysilicon.

  • Montajes Metálicos Faysol S.A.L.

Incorporation of the UHU to the Networking Academy programme (CNAP) of the Company Cisco System, under the protection of the agreements signed by the Rectors of the Universities of Huelva and Cadiz

The Cisco Networking Academy Program (CNAP) aims at training university and professional students in the design, configuration and maintenance of computer and telecommunications networks through one of the most advanced e-learning models in the world.

  • Diputación Provincial de Huelva (Provincial Council of Huelva)


Articulated robotic arm to automate the determination of cosine error in photodetector devices

Design, construction and testing of an automatic system (articulated robotic arm) for the INTA that allows measuring the angular response and calibration of radiometric instruments. The system has an interface (virtual instrument) for its functionality and automatically calculates the cosine error of the tested radiometer.

  • Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerospacial (National Institute for Aerospace Technology, INTA)

Design, development, construction and testing of an electric energy generator system based on fuel cells, integrating a hydrogen tank and an electrolyser for its production

Design, development and construction of a complete demonstration system for hydrogen production, storage and electricity production based on a fuel cell use. The process includes all the elements as well as the SCADA that monitors and governs it in addition to the power electronics and control.

  • Empresa Hynergreen Technologies, S.A.

Study for the development of open source frameworks in Web environments

Development of conceptual and technological structures defined by employing software modules to develop software projects based on them. It includes support for programmes, libraries and an interpreted language.

  • Empresa Caymasa – El Sendero

Crustamar Automated Cold Storage Company Management System

Hardware/software system for the complete management of goods (classification and automatic weighing included) from the arrival and unloading of a ship to the departure for supply to customers, through storage and internal control.

  • Empresa Frigoríficos Crustamar S.A

Data Acquisition and Control System for controlled breeding of sea bream.

Hardware/software system for the integral management of fish farms, and mainly specialised in sea bream. The system works with physical data on the breeding ponds, characteristics of the species, feeding, cultivation and nutritional periods, pathologies, physical-chemical measures of the breeding environment and energy management of fish farms.

  • Centro de Innovación Tecnológica “Litoral Suratlántico”

Technical direction of the development of the electronic information network (RIE Project) among the municipalities of the ANAS

Creation of an intranet of services for use by the municipalities of the association (ANAS), a union of towns on the Spanish-Portuguese border that includes the province of Huelva. The project consisted of resolving the communications link, not easy at all in 1998, generating electronic marketing and sales space in the ANAS area, and putting into service a geographic information system for the ANAS region.

  • Asociación hispano-lusa de municipios (Hispanic-Portuguese Association of Municipalities, ANAS)

Development of a data acquisition and control system for the use of auxiliary energy in domestic solar equipment

Data acquisition system for the use of solar thermal energy for domestic hot water and air conditioning combined with an auxiliary installation (biomass boilers, gas, diesel, thermal accumulator, heat pump, etc.).

  • Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerospacial (National Institute for Aerospace Technology, INTA)
Creation of an information server

A configuration of the architecture, assembly, implementation of the communications network and programming of an information server for the company TELECOTRANS. The server operated through a client-server architecture and provided services within the network both for private users within the company and for public users through the Internet.

  • Telecotrans S.L.C.l
Design and implementation of an Ionospheric Absorption Data Acquisition System.

The project has updated, improved and corrected the acquisition and treatment of radio wave absorption measurements, a system known as ionospheric absorption meter, “A3 Method”, which consists of measuring the attenuation of radio waves radiated from a remote transmitter. The system implemented is located at the INTA facilities’ receiving station in El Arenosillo (Huelva), and the remote transmitter is located at the INTA facilities in Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid).

  • Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerospacial (National Institute for Aerospace Technology, INTA)