Lead Researcher The multidisciplinary research group is made up of 14 members of which 12 are PhDs, as well as collaborators, associates and visiting professors...

José Manuel Andújar Márquez

University Professor


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Prof. Dr José Manuel Márquez is full professor of the systems engineering and automation field, and director of the Master’s degree in remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS), which is the first European Master in medium- and large-sized RPAS of the engineering school of the University of Huelva (specifically, the Electronics, Computer-Systems and Control Engineering Department).

With over 33 years of academic experience, he has received 24 awards and distinctions as well as held numerous academic management positions.

He has supervised 12 PhD theses with 9 awards. He also has filed 12 international patents.

He has published over 300 articles and, among them, more than 100 of which have been published in journals indexed in the ISI Journal Citation Reports. It should be highlighted that more than 50 papers were published in the quartile Q1 in its category and have more than 3.000 citations. Professor Andújar has a h-index = 30 and i10- index = 60.

Professor Andújar is the lead researcher of the ‘Control and Robotics’ research group, which has beeen awarded more than 7,5M € from competitive call fundings, during the last years. He has also participated in more than 50 research projects at the European, national and regional levels being the lead researcher in most of them.

He is the national coordinator of the ‘Intelligent Control’ thematic group of the Spanish Automatics Committee of which he is also a member of its Board of Directors. He is the national coordinator of the ‘Spanish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Platform,’ of which he is also a member of its steering committee. He is also a member of the committee of experts for the preparation of the 2020 Energy Strategy of Andalusia as well as the project certifying expert of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective, the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation (ANECA) and national and international certifying bodies, among which is ‘Det Norske Veritas Business Assurance,’ the largest classification and certification society in the world.

Professor Andújar is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), where he is a senior member for evaluation of merits. The IEEE is the largest scientific and technological association in the world (over 450.000 members).

Publications and Academic References